Tuesday, October 28, 2014

On Top of the World- Prima Trends- Video Tutorial

Its my turn on the Prima Blog today and its all about TRENDS. What's in? what's hot right now?
Come and check out the Prima blog for some designer inspiration and check out my favourite trend below along with a video tutorial!!

One of my favorites mixed media techniques are drips & splatters. So today, I'm showcasing this fun trend with a step by step video tutorial. Watch as I show you 4 different of ways of creating drips and splatters on your projects. Enjoy!

This is a picture of me admiring the Grand Canyon in Arizona. When I first saw The Grand Canyon, I was in awe at its grandeur. It was so majestic I just couldn't believe my eyes. I tried to create a layout that will partially transport you there, so you can see its beauty. Truthfully, pictures don't do it justice and in this case you have to see it to believe it.

The title "I'm on top of the world" comes from a favourite song by Imagine Dragons. My son and I really like it and I just felt it fit the theme of this layout perfectly. When you are looking down into the canyon, you really feel as if you're on top of the world.

846855- Epiphany Clear as day
846879- Epiphany at this moment
575687- Epiphany 3x4 ATC cards
575724- Epiphany 4x6 Journaling note cards
577650- Manhattan Chrysler
578268- Providence clove
572860- Time Traveler wood embellishments 
572877- Stationer's desk wood embellishments 
572877- Free Spirit wood embellishments 
575953- Stone stencil III
541781- Canvas alphabet Jack and Jill
961534- Finnabair Art Extravaganza Texture Paste crackle- copper
961558- Finnabair Art Extravaganza Texture Paste crackle- gold
961428- Finnabair Art Basics Soft Matte Gel
961657- Finnabair Art Ingredients glass glitter- gold rush
961657- Finnabair Art Ingredients glass glitter- copper
573836- Color Bloom- Tea stain
573843- Color Bloom- Antique Gold
573829- Color Bloom- Worn Leather
573805- Color Bloom- Gold foil
563844- Engraver wood clip embellishment 

Well I hope you enjoyed my tutorial and it inspires you to drip and splatter all over your page.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. Loving the earthy tones.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. I love the color scheme! Beautiful Layout!

  3. This looks amazing! love the earthy colors! thanks for the video!!

  4. love all the elements and layers, great top page :)

  5. Looks amazing !! Love your work !!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs from Monica... Spain

  6. Just beautiful. Thanks for the tut on splatters and drips!


  7. Such an inspiring layout.... thank you for sharing some of the techniques you use to create such gorgeous pieces of art... Marie xx


Thank you so much for taking your time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!