Saturday, August 25, 2012

So Happy

I've written quite a long post today so bear with me!! I know only some of you may read it but I just had to pour my heart out!!

Also don't forget my CELEBRATING LIFE GIVEAWAY (on my side bar)

So I made this layout just for fun. Its not for a DT commitment and its not for a Challenge.

Remember how we used to scrapbook just for fun?

Well I forget sometimes how that feels like. Designing for my DTs and participating in challenges is truly fulfilling creatively, but sometimes I forget to scrap for fun because I feel so much pressure trying to make my work exceptional!!

That's why this layout is just for FUN!!

I made this layout just before I went on holidays. I was away last week and pre-scheduled all my posts in advance. This week has been crazy as I've been trying to catch up on all my commitments. I guess you pay a price when you take a break but it was well worth it.

I don't usually like advertising my holidays on Facebook or on my blog because there are some Predators out there just waiting for this type of opportunity. After seeing my best friend's house ransacked from top to bottom while she was away, I take all precautions. You would be surprised at what people will steal if they had the opportunity. However most things might be insured but the most precious to me, meaning when we are all away, is my pictures. You can't re-take those memories. That is why I copy them on hard drives and keep them out of the house for safe keeping. I'm paranoid about that.

My layout is different than my usual. I guess I don't have a usual!!

Everyday I wonder if experimenting with so many different styles is "good or bad".

Here is what I ponder:
Most designers out there that belong to almost all the main Manufacturer DTs have one style only and they stick to it 99% of the time.

My problem is that I love creating in every way, shape and form. I love experimenting and trying and that leads me to new adventures in my creativity. So depending on my mood, I switch from Shabby Chic to Grunge, To Whimsy to Mixed Media. I just can't make up my mind on which I like best because I love them all the same. They fulfill different parts of my persona.

So I wonder sometimes what to do? Stick to one style in the hopes that a Manufacturer might like it or continue to be myself and experiment with different styles, methods, techniques and creations.

I think the answer is clear to me!! but I'm just wondering what your thoughts were on that matter regarding your own style?

to wrap it up here is the layout I made!! I have to give credit to my hubby for the initial idea of the carousel. 

I made my own templates for the canopy and cut them out of 6x6 WP paper.

All products are Webster's pages except for the mists. I used WP papers, sparklers, alphas, lace, digi butterflies.

I cut around my kid's pictures on the Merry-go-round.

Thanks for visiting my blog
that's a wrap!!


  1. Oh WOW Keren this is WONDERFUL! Feature worthy at IM for sure!! I hear ya on the style dilemma! I have that exact same thing & keep wanting to get it down to something more predictable. Although I too find it boring I think it's essential for DTs to know what they can expect from you rather than being surprised. Still figuring out how I'm gonna do that LOL...

  2. Another stunner! You know I don't have to answer your question...look at me...switching it up all the time! Only 'cos I LOVE experimenting & I'd get bored if I did the same thing...keeps it fresh...means there's some 'interesting' & not so hot things occasionally, but that's part of being an innovative scrapper who enjoys a challenge:):):) I LOVE how you change styles. Bit like clothes, really - how boring would it be wearing the same ones all the time!!!!

  3. this is so cute, love it so much! great idea!

  4. I personally think that being able to scrap in a variety of styles makes you a more interesting & creative scrapper. I like to mix things up as I say, keep doing what you're doing, Keren...your work is always interesting, different & gorgeous.

    I love what you've created here with the carousel & the gorgeous little garden in the really does look amazing!

  5. Keren I could have written this whole post myself. I so totally agree with each and every paragraph. And especially re the style thing. I am not satisfied to keep creating the same way. I love to try new things, use inspiration from others but make it my own. So I hear you. I love what you do and this page is just sensational. I am sure the kids loved it too. Make sure you keep doing what you do because it is fab.

  6. Hi Keren, I'm with you on you can't be too safe! As far as style, I think you should create what is in your heart. It is good to have different styles, if you can do that. I also think that a manfacturer may look at that as a positive. The main thing is have fun and create what your heart is speaking to you, or scrapping will become a chore....I believe in keeping it fun....keeping it so you like what you're doing...this is the part of your life where there really are no rules!
    This new lo of yours is absolutely FABULOUS!!! So fun, so colorful, so full of go girl!

  7. Last week I asked my blogland friends the same question and LOL...I am still nowhere near the answer! Thanks for sharing your dilemma, Keren. Now I know that I am not the only one groping in the dark *sigh*

  8. Keren, this is amazing!! I love, love the bold colors and fussy cut photos - well every little detail. Just peruse my blog and you will see some different styles too. For me, the photos dictate the direction of the colors and the style. While it would be a dream to be on a manufacturer's DT, I guess I have to be true to who I am. Honestly, I don't think you can go wrong creating unique, stunning, and absolutely gorgeous pages like this one. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  9. Hi Karen

    Que carrocel mais lindo... adorei sua criação.


  10. Just for fun are the bests pages!
    I love this one!
    xx and have a nice weekend

  11. Hi Keren!!!!
    Loved your post, the violence happens in the world, we must be cautious even!
    I love your LO, very well prepared, cheerful colors and fun, do not like to hold me to a page style, sometimes change is good!

  12. Soooooooo fun! Love the carousal! :)

    Glad you had a great vacation! :)

  13. Keren, loved reading your post, and so pleased you had a break.... your layout is utterly amazing. It does one good to scrap for 'fun', and not other commitments, so pleased you found the time to do so ...

  14. a heartfelt post Keren .. love your page too, such a magical colorful layout ... very clever and unique too. super duper awesome x
    you know what Keren just do whatever beckons your heart, be you, be individual and love what you do and who you are, that is what matters most .. always be true to yourself x

  15. Wow Keren, love how you have thought outside the box with this one, so creative ♥♥♥ I can totally relate to the switching of styles, their is just so many amazing styles out there, why stick to one I say!!!

  16. Tough question Keren, i guess you would establish yourself on a DT and then gentle mix it up for fun as you grow!!! I want'a know did you exato cut your kids out of any photo or was the cut of kids AND horse from a carousel picture.?

  17. Great layout Keren & I agree that it is nice to just do something for yourself sometimes. Cheers Di xo

  18. First, I'd like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and dilemma with us. I think the most important thing is that you should just by YOU, in scrapping like in everything else in your life. You know what the song says: "I love you just the way you are".... :))
    I must say that I myself like better to see different styles in one's work, rather than the same again and again. I find it much more intersting to see the way one changes her/his style.
    But like I've said before, it doesn't really matter what someonelse thinks about your style, cause what matters is what you thing about it, and what you like or dislike.
    I'm so happy to read that you've had a fun family vacation. I'm sure it was much needed.
    You take care and just continue doing what you love, cause you do it beautifully, and this lo is no exception.

  19. HI Keren.. this layout is amazing, really creative and I adore the merry go round.. and yes I know what you are saying about style etc.. I love seeing a scrapper who has variety in her layouts.. I do think we all have a classic style we tend to create, but to try new things and explore new products is fun and keeps the mojo going I think...I love the different things you do, so keep doing them.. there is always something new in scrapping, and this keeps the interest for me.. and I know I have lots to learn, so thanks for your post, keep creating and I will keep enjoying too!!

  20. Wow this is so lovely Keren.
    I always try and create 1 or 2 layouts a month just for me, just for fun (just so I remember what it's all about) sometimes I share them, sometimes not.
    I think I would get bored if I used exactly the same style all the time, especially when there are so many different techniques out there, I want to try them all.

  21. Fabulous layout, so cleverly done, love the details so wonderful :) have a great week :)

  22. Just gorgeous once again with so much to feast the eyes on.

  23. I totally hear ya girl...our house was robbed 4 years ago and it was horrible... I am over paranoid now -- but when I announce that I am going somewhere on my assured, I know have an alarm and someone is always here too when I am gone now :)

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your lo!! I love love love love that carousel, the flowers... the photos on the horses!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!!!! Just AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I know what you are talking about with the style...I also change up my style all the time. It really depends on my mood, do I want clean and crisp, do I want shabby vintage or do I want to get dirty and do some girly grunge. I will not just stick to one style:) this is just gorgeous btw :)

  25. I absolutely agree with what you've said. I too have questioned the same things and come up with the same dilemmas. I think you're right that manufacturers and big DT's want a predictable style so they know that can trust you not to come up with something weird and wacky! For me personally I like to think I mix it up a bit too, sometimes clean lines and graphic design, sometimes arty and 'messy'! And if someone asked me to describe my style I would have real trouble. However, I've been told on more than one occasion that my pages are recognisably mine and I think that's the marker of have a particular style. And I guess when it comes down to it, there are techniques and features on my layout that I do time and time again, just because I prefer it that way.... even though the rest of the layout is 'experimental'. So what I'm trying to say is, whilst you commonly try new things and consistently challenge yourself, you'd probably be surprised to know that people would still consider you to have a particular Keren-style, even if you can't see it yourself! At least that's what I'm finding out about myself :-) But ultimately I say forget all that confusing nonsence and just create because it makes you happy. That way it doesn't matter if DT's come or don't come.

  26. Your page is so cool! I agree 100% with what you said. I have many DTs too and sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the work. I love challenges, but sometimes, it's a bit too much and like you, I don't scrap much for fun anymore. Well, I still really, really enjoy scrapbooking, but I don't work for ME only a lot these days.

    Also, just like you, I love to try different things! It's fun. That being said, I don't think we should try to stick to only one style to please manufacturers. What's important is to have fun, and if we start scrapping only to please others, it won't be fun anymore! :)


Thank you so much for taking your time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!