Sunday, August 12, 2012

Celebrating Life Giveaway!!!!

Today is a very special day for me and my family. 12 years ago today I got a second chance at life. I get very emotional when I talk about it so I will just be brief as I don't usually share personal stuff on my blog.

For most of my late teens and early twenties I was very ill. I won't go into too many details but needless to say a very difficult time in my life.  Its not easy to hear at age 24 that you need a liver transplant because simply put those are not the words a young person wants to hear. However my liver failed and I didn't have another choice, if I wanted to live I mean. 

Well after waiting 2 years, I got a second chance at life on AUGUST 12, 2000.

I'm very grateful to G-d, to my family, friends, doctors and to my donor's family whom I've never met but they deserve many thanks because while probably going through a very difficult time in their lives, they helped save many other lives including mine. This act of selfless kindness is something I will be in their debt forever. I guess I'll never know if I've repaid that debt but the Universe has this way of spiritually re-balancing itself.
Getting this type of perspective at a very young age, although rough and painful, gave me a wake-up call to appreciate life every single day. To appreciate what I have and how precious it is. Most of us don't discover this lesson until much later in life but I guess I needed some rude awakening early on!!
If I have to send a message to all of you is to simply say PLEASE BE AN ORGAN DONOR, sign your card and donate because you never know!! As my mother would say: "Imagine if it was your child"

Actually I do have one more message and this is dedicated to anyone out there who is going through a difficult time in their lives or anyone who is helping someone else through a rough patch. We all go through pain in our lives at one point or another and no pain is less significant than other. What might be painful to one person might not be to someone else. So I ask you to be more kind, sympathetic even if you can't empathize with someone in pain be there for them. I've always tried to help people in need even if sometimes I've gotten hurt back. But just know unconditional love never goes unnoticed.

I know this much is true because as I was writing this post I got up to get something and when I bent down I cut myself very badly and my skin feels very raw. I felt at that moment as if its a message from G-d telling me to never take anything for granted. Needless to say I still feel the raw pain in my skin to remind me that what I say is true.

with that sappy stuff out of my system I have some great news:

Because this is such an important day for me I wanted to have a giveaway to

This giveaway will be a little different. I want to spread the love between many people around the world and I have 6 smaller prizes. However good things come in small packages.....

In order to participate you have to:


2.  LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE (On Left sidebar)




Every 25 new followers I will draw a prize: Please check my blog for the winners. The first Prize will be drawn when I reach 375 and then the last one at 500!! There is no time limit. I will continue to give prizes until they are gone.

However I do hope that if you follow me, you will continue to check my work here on my blog!!

here are the prizes up for grabs:

All the prizes contain templates either from Crafter's Workshop, Balzar or Dyllusions
Each giveaway has some extra goodies there as well.







I guess I wasn't that brief after all!! I hope you enjoyed my post!!
thank you so much for visiting me it truly makes me happy!!


  1. I don't want to be part of the giveaway, i just wanted to say that all your words are true....a little empathy goes a long way...and my sister used to work for UNOS so i know the importance of organ donation...that combined with other personal tragedy...have a great weekend!

  2. I had no idea you'd been through such a glad it worked in a good way for you! I've liked you as well & popped your giveaway on the sidebar on my blog....great idea having lots of smaller idea!!! Take care:):):)

  3. I signed up as an organ donor in my college days and it is amazing how many lives we can transform with this. You are a plucky survivor, Keren and I am honored to know you.

  4. Wow Keren. What an amazing story. I find it so interesting to hear stories such as yours. We meet through scrapbooking but we all have a story behind the girl on the blog. And yes, I totally agree with being an organ donor. We certainly are in my family and I also donate blood on a regular basis. Anything that can help, no matter how small.
    Thanks for sharing your story and for the chance to win some amazing giveaways.

  5. You are a very brave woman and a true inspiration, now in more ways than one! Your talk of unconditional love really hit home with me as for the past couple years my family is going through some very difficult times due to one person in particular's bad decisions, but i'm still determined to try to help that person and love her no matter what, even though she seems to be pushing people away right now. Anyway, i won't say any more than that, but thank you for your wisdom! And thank you for the chance to win some awesome prizes Keren!

  6. Oh Keren, how very emotional for you to share such a personal and heart felt post, but thank you for sharing.. and yes life does indeed throw a curve ball at times.. and that is when we really appreciate all we do have...

  7. What an amazing story to share!!! Good for you!!!!!!! That's awesome that you got the transplant you so needed and I am happy that you did as you are still here for everyone!!!

    My cousin needed a kidney transplant about 10 years ago -- and I went thru the steps to see if I was a match -- sadly, I wasn't -- but even more sad, I found out thru this process that I can't be a donor because of something that is wrong with me... that broke my heart knowing that I can't help others ...

  8. What an incredible story, Keren! I too had some tough lessons when I was younger but it made me a stronger person. Congrats on this huge celebration of life!

  9. Hey Keren, can not express how your words touched my heart. My husband and I signed the donation card four years ago and we explain to our childen how important is to donate your organs to others. Now that my mother's health is not so good and I spent much time in hospital recently I saw the differencet that the organs donation can do for the patients that have been waiting for the needed donation.
    I'm glad thatthe hardest part is behind you! Thanks for your sharing with us your story!

  10. Oi Karen

    Que bacana compartilhar sua história... isso é bom para fortalecer pessoas que estão passando pelos mesmos problemas que você enfrentou... e venceu com louvor!

    Já sigo seu blog... vou divulgar no meu também!


  11. Keren, thank for sharing a special part of your life story here. I had no idea. So happy that you made it through 12 years ago, and I pray that you have many happy years ahead of you. Thanks for offering the sweet and oh so generous giveaways. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  12. I am thankful everyday for the blessings I have and creating is a way of expressing that!

  13. Keren I am thrilled with your story!
    My daughter went through a very complicated surgery earlier this year and was a very difficult time, but my daughter how you overcame and won!
    As Jas said, all have a story behind the girl's blog!
    God bless you!

  14. Loads of HUGS Keren! I am mostly definitely an organ donor! My time working as a physical therapist with lung & heart transplant patients made me realize how precious life can be! I pray that God continues to bless you!!!

  15. wow what an amazing story, thanks for sharing :)

  16. I never stop marvelling at the miraculous ways of Universe, as you say - unconditional love never goes unnoticed. Thank you for opening up your heart and sharing a part of your life with us, see how it brings others to open up theirs and sharing a piece of themselves. Also I signed up as a donor a long time ago. Life is the most precious gift given to us and I thank for it every single day. Hugs,

  17. Hi.

    Thank for sharing a your story here. I am so happy, because today you are well.

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

    I shared it on my blog (sidebar), but I didn't get to post my name again.

    I am your follower a long time ago.

    Val Rodrigues
    God bless you.

  18. Hi Keren :) wow that is a huge thing to go through for anyone and yes I am sure the last thing you ever want to hear. Glad I all turned out good :)

  19. Hi! Glad to meet you! Your story is so touching! You are so right! We must apriciate every single moment! Thank you for your generosity! Wishing you happiness!!!

  20. thank you for sharing your story and inspiring us to become better than we are

  21. Wow Keren that is quite a story - I had no idea - amazing. You haven't had the easiest time health wise in your life. I've had numerous surgeries for things (but not a transplant!) but one resulted in a near-death experience which was pretty mind-blowing. These things definitely give us a more grateful attitude towards life though I find that some people resent those that actually live a joyful life - like we are ruining their misery by being happy! Anyway, hope you are having a great time!!

  22. Olá.

    Não entendo inglês bem, mas sei que conta um pouco sobre você. Desejo muita paz e saúde sempre.

    Participando com muito carinho. Já postei na lateral do meu blog

    Estou seguindo e cliquei no LIKE do seu facebook.

    Um grande abraço.

    Reny Gomes.

  23. Keren, you are such a busy gal. I am learning lots from you, thanks for your leadership and kindness. Keep in touch and let me know whenever you want a travelling buddy.
    Ava G

  24. Keren: There's a say "It's not how many times we fall that is important, is how many times we get up" or something like that. Life is about stopping and smelling the roses, enjoy it with family and friends and doing what makes you happy. Thanks for sharing your art and story!!!

  25. That is the miracle of life, and really makes you greatful just for your health and being alive. I used to work in the medical field and I hated when sick children would come in, it so sad, but like in your story all tragedies have a silver lining and theres so many people out there that dont want to donate thier organs thinking they will just be used for scraps for med students or something in reality they could be saving lives! I know it may be too late but its possible to have the surgeons contact you to the parents/family of donor just so that you can show your gratitude. Im rambling, but anyway congrats and thanks for the chance. Im a proud organ donor!

  26. Я понимаю тебя.Я тоже получила второй шанс жить 7 лет назад.И никогда не забуду этого.Тебе удачи и творческого настроения!!!

  27. Thank you so much Karen for your kind generosity! I am already your follower but I'm afraid I don't have face book. I have advertised your candy on my blog though. I hope I can still enter?
    Love Pearl x

  28. You are so generous! I love masks!!!!!TFS!!!

  29. thanks for coming to visit my blog Keren. I am touched by you ..truly. I have liked your facebook.. I'm a new follower... And tomorrow morning I have a post going up that includes your absolutely wonderfully generous giveaway :) I'll come back tomorrow. You are a beautiful soul and I wish you a wonderful day. May God continue to bless your life.

  30. I am a follower of your blog (visa email) and I like you on facebook. If I had a blog, I would link up, but I don't. I am signed up to be an organ donor and I hope someone else can use this old body when I finish with it! Congratulations at the second chance and making good use of it!

  31. forgot to come back yesterday and post the link to my post ;) Have a beautiful day!!

  32. What a wonderful and uplifting story, Keren. I am so sad you had to go through something like this, but I do feel traumatic events such as these help define the person we become and you are someone I have the utmost respect for. Talk to you soon, my friend!

  33. Keren Hello! Already follow your blog and I'm posting on my too. I was touched by his story and I'm also a donor for many years and like to see people spreading it. We can never know when you will need to use. Congratulations you are an admirable woman. xx

  34. you are right!!! Celebrate Life. Life is too short. loved your message.

  35. I can't be a part of the giveaway because I've chosen not to participate in Facebook. However, I wanted to comment because I agree that it is important to be an organ donor (in my state, we can easily sign up to do so when we get or renew drivers' licenses, and I've both done so and encouraged my children to do so). Keep spreading the message!

  36. Hi keren...just popped back to say I've not done the Facebook thing.....I thought I'd get into Facebook but i haven't !!!!!

  37. Hi sweet Keren, I'm so glad you got that liver and still around to share your wonderful work......I'm still sniffing now after reading you touching story! Love the name of your giveaway "Celebrate Life" sometimes we take life for granted when it's not! I'm a donor because I think everybody needs to be!!! Thank you for the chance to win some of your gorgeous gooddies! Also wishing you a marvelous weekend Big Hug Amy :)

  38. How fortunate you were to be able to receive such a wonderful gift! Years ago my father was very ill and in need of a liver transplant. Due to his age and illness, even though we was approved to be put on the waiting list, he declined the transplant and eventually passed away. I've been an organ donor for as long as I can remember. I've always felt that you can't take it with you, so why not grant someone else the gift of life. So happy to hear that you are doing well and celebrating life! I've become a follower and liked you on facebook!


Thank you so much for taking your time to leave a comment!! I really appreciate it!!